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  • in reply to: Ajax Search – Translation handling probs… #128628

    Moving on, I’m stuck with the title of the result form. This is done with

    $output .= "<h4>".$post_type_obj[$key]->labels->name."</h4>";

    in functions-enfold.

    The array is substituted with get_post_type_object() and at this point I’m lost in space. Does this belong to the standard language of WordPress? I do use de_DE and of course I do have the official nl_NL language files in the same folder.

    I really don’t know why this ain’t working. Meanwhile I’ve set up a local Enfold copy without any plugins (except WPML), created some pages and it’s the same behaviour. Should I bother the folks at WPML with that?

    in reply to: Ajax Search – Translation handling probs… #128627

    Yeah, thanks for pointing it out. I’ve come across the WPML article, but didn’t check the language param in functions-enfold.

    Currently it’s not working and it won’t be a conflict with any other plugin – this sticks to the ajax request.

    Any chance this could be fixed in a next version of Enfold?

    As a sidenote:

    Just messing around with things I figured out how to do a work-around. I’ve been using Codestyling Localisation to do some wording corrections for the dutch language file provided by another Enfold user. No prob at all. I tried to work with the .mo files within WPML and switched now to the string translation handling. So if I do add the translations manually this way, it works. Weird stuff… :-/

    in reply to: Icon Box without Icons #128791

    I may correct this, but you need some work-around with CSS/HTML. If you enable the debug-feature of Enfold, you’ll get a simple textarea below the builder. So you may add an own wrapper around your iconbox-element having a unique id (or class). This way, you are able to address only the iconboxes in context and give it a simple display:none. A global overwrite will look like this:

    .main_color.iconbox_top .iconbox_icon {display:none;}

    If you wrap some iconboxes with a specific div like .my-boxes, it should look like

    .my-boxes .iconbox_icon {display:none;}

    In case you like to keep the small square box on top, this gets a lil bit nifty. You have to overwrite the selected icon using jQuery. Otherwise you may set the color of the icon to the background itself… ;)

    I’ll have to create a work-around a bit further than that – my customer want’s some own icons (graphical)…. :(

    PS: Adding an empty icon the the typo-listing is also an option – but I’ll leave this to the support team.

    in reply to: Global setting for Socket #128887

    Another update: there seems to be a real bug.

    I echo’ed out the values for $footer_widget_setting and $footer – both say “all”.

    My global setting is still “nosocket”.

    So I changed the modal and set it to

    $footer_widget_setting = !empty($footer) ? avia_get_option('display_widgets_socket') : $footer;

    This won’t be the right way, but it does the trick for me.

    Others may try

    $footer_widget_setting = avia_get_option('display_widgets_socket');

    This requires always the global setting ignoring ANY individual one.

    in reply to: Advanced Editor Corrupt or Not Working #128882

    If you’ve a PHP memory limit of 128M, why do you decrease it in your wp-config? Remove the line, it won’t help. :)

    Anyways 64M is rather low. I do use Enfold with WPML and it soakes 67M in Peak… this has driven me crazy, because of a misbehaviour of my server skeleton.

    Another hint: Enfold does have a debug-feature. Open up config-templatebuilder/config.php and change

    $builder->setMode( 'safe' );


    $builder->setMode( 'debug' );

    This enables a simple input area in posts below the builder (it must be enabled) and you may modify the values right there. It’s also an option to copy contents of the builder to other pages (e.g. dev > live) without using the template stuff.

    Won’t solve your individual probs, but worth a shot.

    Always check the options tab (this saves sometimes a lot of time and nags). ;)

    in reply to: Global setting for Socket #128886

    Thanks Dude,

    thought so. I would recommend using the global setting should ignore the individual ones. Logical stuff…



    Doesn’t work. If I create a new page, the standard setting for the footer is “Display the footer widgets & socket”. Checked all of my pages (currently around 150) – same settings everywhere.

    So a global option should always regardless overwrite any individual setting. Should be fixed!

    in reply to: Advanced Editor Corrupt or Not Working #128873

    To solve this:

    1. Enable twentytwelve as theme.

    2. Open the post, save it once (you should see the contents of the avia builder).

    3. You may also try to recover from a revision.

    4. Re-enable Enfold and everything should be fine.

    To prevent this from happening:

    1. Limit the amount of revisions.

    2. Increase the autosave feature of WordPress.

    Open up wp-config.php and add the following constant above /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    /** Extending the autosave feature to 20 minutes */
    define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 1200 );
    /** Limit draft count */
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);

    Short explanation:

    When you start editing with the builder and open up lets say a toggle (editing one of the elements with the MCE) a misbehaviour may occur when WordPress autosaves in the background. Raising the autosave won’t solve the prob, but prevents the above situation.

    Memory issues: Already checked your PHP Max (there are some plugins for that)? You may also try to enable the WordPress debug mode in wp-config.php.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Color Section #128511

    RGBA (and HSL) color definitions won’t make it in IE and Opera. You should have a look at progressive enhancements to get things going. To get it straight: IE likes to have it’s very own solution for this.

    #top .page-id-2429 #av_section_1 .avia_textblock {

    background: rgba(55,55,55,0.6);



    padding: 5px 10px;

    color: #fff;

    border-radius: 4px;


    The Microsoft gradient takes a start and end color. If you look a lil bit closer to the hex value, you’ll notice the two additional digits in front. This is the alpha channel to have it transparent. So if you define 0.6 in RGBA, the digits should be 60. Additionally, the zoom:1 prevents crappy font rendering (somehow).

    in reply to: Color Section #128506

    Try this one:

    #top .page-id-2429 #av_section_1 .avia_textblock {

    background: rgba(55,55,55,0.6);

    padding: 5px 10px;

    color: #fff;

    border-radius: 4px;


    Just to show you the difference between #color and rgba(). ;)

    If you like to apply it to all pages, try this selector: .page .avia_textblock

    in reply to: MAIN PAGE CONTAINER OPACITY #128549

    Try this:

    .main-color {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);}

    You may have to use this in several wrappers. Don’t use opacity:somewhat, because it affects everything within.

    in reply to: Solution: Making the Iconbox element fully linked #127663

    Note: Do NOT delete the “return $output”! :)

    in reply to: Creation of the Kriesi A-Z of useful tweaking tips #127691



    CSS ain’t that hard to mess around with since firefox and chrome got it’s dev console. And if you’d like to have a very unique enfold standing out form any other installation, you should have bought a different theme. But wait… I’ll love the Builder! Damn. I think I’m gonna mention every second post from now on to create a standalone version of the builder. Gonna pay for it, for sure! Tag > Kriesi! :)

    in reply to: Service Page on Demo Site – How Did You Create That? #127700

    Core Services is made using the Icon List element. Try to import the demo content and play around with it. :)

    in reply to: Custom CSS for your pleasure #127654

    Theme authors should provide a full documentation on their CSS code – this would save plenty of support threads… :D Glad you like it. There are still some things to be optimized (box-shadow, text-shadow) which I currently left out… undergoing dev…

    in reply to: optimal Image size for quality and load times. #127609

    You should try to use a CDN for static content. Also, you may play around with different compression settings. I do export with around 60 (percent) of compression. I do also use the boxed layout, so my max. image width is 1200 pixels. As for sliders and stuff I would recommend your images shouldn’t be larger than 200kb in filesize.

    If you use Photoshop (or some other), try to oversharpen the original image (you’ll have to play with the settings). Scale it down, crop it and after that try to add a very tight blur. This can help you shrinking the file sizes… ;)

    in reply to: How do I remove the Search Icon in the header (Enfold) #127621

    Try this:

    #menu-item-search {display:none;}

    in reply to: Iconbox linkwrap #126724

    Corresponding file: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox.php

    Modified the shortcode_handler function to wrap the iconbox_content with a link if set in builder. Removed link from header.

    Had to substitute some css changes as well (link mouseover on iconbox).


    in reply to: Visual Toolbar Disappears #126728

    You should check it! If there are only 64M associated to PHP (this is often the case in standard or some hoster specific installations), you’ll get this error.

    in reply to: Visual Toolbar Disappears #126726

    You should check your PHP memory limits… also, you should try do disable any plugin.

    Install this plugin and have a look on your dashboard and your footer (backend):

    in reply to: How do I get rid of circle with expand arrows #126721

    You may check the following CSS:

    .image-overlay {display: none !important;}

    This will affect any overlay on your whole site not to display.

    If you like to handle different types of overlays, you should check the type-class appended.

    in reply to: change fontello nav button to png file #126205

    You should probably check your URL:


    Won’t work at all… ;)

    Checked: if I insert into your style, everything is fine!

    in reply to: BUGGY BUGGY BUGGY #125014

    You should provide a link where your stuff can be seen… hard to tell anything while staring at a glass orb.

    In addition, your should check the memory allocated to PHP. Try using a plugin like:

    in reply to: Is it possible to center the logo in the header? #123505

    It can be easily achieved.

    1. Enter a custom link to your Menu.

    2. As title, use the preferred image and enter the HTML code (like img src=”absolutepathtoyourfile.png”)

    3. Provide a class or id to your image

    4. Have some formatting to it (like a padding or margin to space it out).

    5. You need to hide the regular logo with display none

    6. Some other CSS stuff need to be optimised.

    7. Attach a media query to the logo so it may float on smaller devices (giving a z-index will solve some probs I think).

    And so on… :) So it ain’t that hard…

    in reply to: Fix sidebar #123606

    You should add a surrounding element like a DIV to all of your widgets (to be done within sidebar.php) giving it a new ID like “sticky-side”. Then apply a position:fixed to it. This ensures to have the whole sidebar at a relative position while your own stuff will be fixed. Don’t miss out the media query for mobile devices, otherwise your fixed div will overlap.

    Did you check your revisions to go back to a last saved one?

    Also, i recommend you increase the time for the autosave option. I also ran into some probs with the avia modals and the autosave of wordpress. Those settings fixed a lot to me:

    /** Extending the autosave feature */
    define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 1200 );
    /** Limit revisions count */
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);

    Autosave is set to 20 minutes and I’m saving only 3 revisions.

    in reply to: PHP Parse error: syntax error #123590

    Please check your installation paths. Your site ain’t working because you probably installed the theme in a wrong location. If I look to your source, none of the Enfold CSS or JS seems to be in the correct place.

    After a bit of investigation I found out, that you’ve installed the current Enfold in a subfolder named “/themes/enfold 2/”. In your header, the CSS/JS is loaded from “/themes/enfold2/”. So I’d recommend you rename your themefolder to “enfold2”. Of couse you may have to make changes to your setup regarding to the path of the theme. So you should check the enfold settings first after the rename. Make some changes so you can save the settings.

    in reply to: Enfold Shortcodes In Layer Slider #123601

    They do work – please use the paragraph or span area to enter the shortcode.

    in reply to: Menu – Active if Sub (line) #122343

    Thanks. Forest, trees… *narf* :)

    Line is still at 1px height because of the overflow:hidden, but I think I’ll get this through.

    Closed. :)

    in reply to: Optimize Enfold Responsive Theme (Speed) #123156

    1. Minify the scripts and css, concatenate them, maybe minify also the html output.

    2. Try to use a CDN.

    3. This is maybe some overhead, but embedding images straight into the css decreases loadtime.

    4. It seems your server supports with mod_headers – have a look if mod_expires is also activated. Add the corresponding directive into your .htaccess (content types like jpg,png,pdf and so on). This speeds up alot!

    I did this with Enfold (didn’t have any major probs) and it was a boost about 60% (~92%, Grade B YSlow).

    in reply to: WPML only flags inline sorting #123085

    If you look at Languages > Languageswitch Options you may rearrange the order of your activated languages. The order is stored in wp_options within icl_sitepress_settings (languages_order).

    To point some things out:

    Within config.php on line 248 the function avia_wpml_language_switch() renders the flag-stuff by calling icl_get_languages(). The ordering is currently hardcoded to ID. Maybe Kriesi should add a function to get the sorting from wp_options instead in a next update.

    While messing around with things it is also quite easy to show the different language name with the flag – the span’s are currently set to display:none. I remember a support question about this (I think the thread is closed).

    So if you add

    .avia_wpml_language_switch li span.language_native {<br />
    display: block;<br />

    to the custom CSS field, the native title shows up (translated and code are the other classes). Another bit of float should be added to flag and text span, put some margins in and the text will display nicely. :)

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