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  • #684381

    How can I add this hover effect to the masonry gallery images, as shown here: I can not use the Portfolio Gallery, so how can I add it to the hover on the masonry gallery images?

    Thank you!


    Hey Rachel!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This is possible but you have to modify the parent theme files. Edit the config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > av-helper-masonry.php file then look for this code around line 239:

    $output .= "<div id='av-masonry-".self::$element."' class='av-masonry noHover av-{$size}-size av-{$this->atts['gap']}-gap av-hover-overlay-{$this->atts['overlay_fx']} av-masonry-col-{$this->atts['columns']} av-caption-{$this->atts['caption_display']} av-caption-style-{$this->atts['caption_styling']} {$this->atts['container_class']}' {$style} >";

    .. replace it with:

    $output .= "<div id='av-masonry-".self::$element."' class='av-masonry av-{$size}-size av-{$this->atts['gap']}-gap av-hover-overlay-{$this->atts['overlay_fx']} av-masonry-col-{$this->atts['columns']} av-caption-{$this->atts['caption_display']} av-caption-style-{$this->atts['caption_styling']} {$this->atts['container_class']}' {$style} >";

    Remove browser cache or hard refresh the page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for the quick response. Unfortunately it does not seem to be working. Maybe I am explaining wrong? I would like the arrow to appear on hover over the masonry gallery: AND on Gallery thumbnails:
    Avia layout for reference –

    Login info provided if needed.
    Thanks again!



    Please check the class attribute in the code. Make sure that the “noHover” class is remove. If you want to add it to the gallery element, follow this one:


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