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  • #324480

    Hello fine people of Kriesi!

    Two questions:
    1) Is it possible to add a 30px (ish) margin to the no_margin 3 column portfolio layout? I’ve found a few things in your forums, but I can t seem to get mine to work. When I shrink the width to 30% and add margins, I break they layout.

    2) Is it possible to decrease the over all margins to match the above margin of 30px (again, or close. whatever doesn’t break it) I’m so close to wrapping this up! But the poswers that be are insisting I match our original design, so I’m trying to make it work.

    Any advice you could provide would be greatly appriciated!!

    Thank in advance for your time!


    Hey vidaelf!

    I’m not sure I understand. You can add space to the output using the options and the no margin option is specifically set up to have no margin.



    When you say “You can add space to the output using the options”, where are those options? And is it possible to decrease space instead?

    I’m trying to create space between the grid on the portfolio page. I’d like the spacing to be uniform throughout the site. Right now it looks like the space between columns is 60px? I’d like it to be 30 pixels. Is that possible?

    I understand that the ‘no-margin’ option has no margin.. I was just wondering if there was an easy way to give it one.




    Please try adding a border around the columns. It will act as space or gap between the items:

    #top .no_margin.av_one_third {
    width: 33.3%;
    border: 10px solid white;


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