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  • #502168

    I’m not using a Child Theme, and want to add a custom Google Font. Since your new update, the functions.php file has moved and changed. Can you tell me where I can put this code below in the new functions.php file, and where the file is in the new directory structure? Also, is this still the correct code to use?

    add_filter( ‘avf_google_heading_font’, ‘avia_add_heading_font’);
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts[‘PT Sans Narrow’] = ‘PT Sans Narrow:400,700’;
    $fonts[‘PT Sans’] = ‘PT Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic’;
    return $fonts;

    add_filter( ‘avf_google_content_font’, ‘avia_add_content_font’);
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)

    $fonts[‘PT Sans’] = ‘PT Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic’;
    $fonts[‘PT Sans Narrow’] = ‘PT Sans Narrow:400,700’;
    return $fonts;


    Hi rasa,

    You should probably consider using a child theme since you will have to do this every time you update: If you don’t want to do that you can try the code at the bottom of your functions.php file.


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