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    Advanced layout editor wont load up…button does nothing

    Can not get advanced layout editor to work.
    This seems to have happened after WordPress update.

    Is a fresh install of WordPress too

    Please check for me and advise me as to what you have done if you fix it please.
    As I have several fresh WordPress installs on other sites that will need the same thing done probably.


    Hey successisus,

    The builder is loading fine on my end, but you only have one page and with a text block in it? Please try to clear your browser cache and reload a few times to see if that helps.

    Best regards,


    It seems to be an issue in firefox. I tried chrome and the advanced editor revealed itself.
    I could not even see what I had posted after the last updates to wordpress and maybe firefox.



    I just checked your website on Firefox 43.0.4 on OSX 10.11 and ALB loads fine on my end. Please see screenshot below. I believe it is a caching related issue as Rikard mentioned above.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for all the efforts so far.
    I do appreciate this.

    After my site crashed right before Christmas, I have been trying hard to set all up so crashes don’t happen again and runs smoothly.
    But even after a fresh install enfold is giving me problems.
    It is my favorite theme to use.
    But, I’m considering getting more familiar with my genesis themes and using it.
    And I don’t want to…

    Anyway, since I created the layout in chrome I can now see the advanced layout editor in Firefox.
    (I’m running 4.3.04) and using windows 8.1 on one pc and windows 10 on another.

    The Firefox browsers are synced to devices could this cause issues with the layout?

    Now that I hard refreshed…
    When I click on the default editor or change anything it will not reload the advanced editor or anything.
    The cursor just sits in the box and spins.

    This is after doing the hard refresh as suggested here:.

    I had previously cleared my cache and it never made a difference.

    I’m at a loss.
    But if I can use chrome consistently to work on the site I will.
    Assuming it does not develop the same issue.
    More suggestions?

    Additionally, I need to also add a total cache or wp supercache.
    which one would be better with enfold?
    What setup does enfold kriesi or demo sites use?

    I have not installed nor activated anything except minify and already have problems so i want to make certain I use what is friendliest to each other.

    Thank you



    We checked for the issue again and found that the Advance Layout Builder is loading properly and all components are working correctly along with the default wordpress editor. Please see the screenshots attached.

    However this problem might exist for you even if you use a different theme or application of similar framework as we believe it is a browser issue. It is possible some extension you are using in chrome might have crashed the browser and you are getting this problem mostly in chrome. I recommend that you save all your chrome settings and re-install the browser.


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