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  • #642504

    Hi guys, great template.

    I used the code below to change the size of my icons in the Advertising Area widget.

    #footer #avia_partner_widget-3 img {
    width: 125px!important;
    height: 125px!important;

    This worked great, but now there is a bigger space between the icons and i dont want them to be clickable.
    And now i’m wondering if there is a way to change the padding between the icons and remove the referal URL.



    Hey Stadsherberg,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please provide a link to the page so that we can inspect it. Anyway, you can try this:

    #footer #avia_partner_widget-3 img {
    width: 125px!important;
    height: 125px!important;
    pointer-events: none;

    Best regards,

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