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  • #169937

    I need to insert an avia_slider in a custom page (handled by Events Calendar Pro plugin)

    The plugin has its own system of templates which I can override…

    I’ve found the place where to stick the following code for the events template

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[av_layerslider id=”31″ ] ‘); ?>

    It seem to output some code like the following:

    <div id=’layer_slider_1′ class=’avia-layerslider main_color avia-shadow slider-not-first container_wrap sidebar_right’ style=’height: 132px;’ ></div>

    and nothing more

    Do I have to make some wp_enqueue_script() in the header to make the slider render?


    Hi maxtofa!

    Have you tried calling the LayerSlider using its native shortcode?

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[layerslider id="1"]‘); ?>`

    Best regards,

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