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  • #584964


    I have a Masonry element, I use Custom Css Class .only_desktop, but Its not work.
    Everywhere where I use it, Its work. Just on this element not work. I deleted the element and filled again, but nothing change..

    I turn on debug mode, and I see only_desktop selector.
    [av_masonry_entries link='portfolio_entries,17' sort='yes' items='9' columns='3' paginate='pagination' query_orderby='date' query_order='DESC' size='fixed masonry' gap='no' overlay_fx='active' caption_elements='title' caption_display='always' id='' custom_class='only_desktop']

    Thank you and regards


    Hi Peter!

    You can use #av-masonry-1 ID to target your element. You can add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .home #av-masonry-1 { display: none !important; }}


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