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  • #250383

    I need my site to show a list of popular post or the recent post . The combo widget is awesome but may I customized that. I mean can I just let the popular posts to show? How about the recent posts? Are there have some shortcodes that I can put into the text block to achieve that.


    Hi wholereneducation!

    Thank you for using the theme!

    You can remove the other tabs on combo widget with this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    .widget_tab_recent, .widget_tab_comments, .widget_tab_tags {
    display: none !important;



    But I currently use the Chinese as our main language. So may I change the “recent” to “最近“ or any other terms that I want to use?


    I think some shortcodes could be very helpful for the user. I mean I could use the tab section and customize contents by inserting the right part…. Maybe in the new features….
    Anyway, I like what you guys did~

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