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  • #766128

    Hi, i have an issue with some empty layout boxes on several pages and i’m unable to delete them.

    Could you help me to found a solution? I could move them to the bottom of the page, but they are resulting as a white space on the website.

    Maybe a Bug…

    Thanks for reply

    Corina Grether


    Hey corina,

    Can you try to add this code at the bottom of functions.php and post here as soon as you’re done adding it:

    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug() {
    	return "debug";

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    I’ve pasted the debug code at the bottom of functions, first i tried on the child theme, then directly on the enfold functions. It doesn’t seems to change this issue…
    It happends now at afrotanz-page…

    Thx for reply




    I apologize for the delay and missing the thread. I checked your site but it shows:

    Error establishing a database connection

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko, thx for reply. the Site is working fine…



    Thanks for that, it’s working now. First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.5) to see if that helps please? http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard. Thx for reply.
    The theme is already on the latest version.

    Best regards Corina



    Ok, thanks for the feedback. I activated debug mode for you and copied the shortcode from your Afro Dancing page to a new page, please see private. Could you verify that the page is displaying as it should?

    Best regards,

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