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  • #712961

    Since a couple of months or so i get the alert about there is an update available, as mentioned here below.

    Update Available!

    A new Version (3.8) of your Theme is available! You are using Version 3.5.4.
    Do you want to update?

    My question is: Can I perform this update without any risks that changes made to the theme (like edit font size or a removed widget from the footer) become unavailable? If not, what do I have to do in order to upgrade smoothly and without loose of my customization?


    Hey pimhs,

    There is always a bit of risk involved when updating, but if you create proper backups of your site or export your content from WordPress and settings from Enfold then you should not have to worry about anything.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Okay thank you. In that case I will test the update first in an test environment. Does the Enfold update effect also security related issues or is this just limed to Word-press updates?

    Regards, Pim


    Hi Pim,

    That sounds like a good idea, test environments are perfect for detecting problems on updates. There should not be anything in the update conserning security no.

    Best regards,

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