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  • #778658

    Hey rikv,

    Please make sure you are using a child theme – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/using-a-child-theme/ and then add following code to Functions.php file of your child theme in Appearance > Editor

    function avia_logo($use_image = "", $sub = "", $headline_type = "h1", $dimension = "")
    		$use_image 		= apply_filters('avf_logo', $use_image);
    		$headline_type 	= apply_filters('avf_logo_headline', $headline_type);
    		$sub 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_subtext',  $sub);
    		$alt 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_alt', get_bloginfo('name'));
    		$link 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_link', home_url('/'));
    		if($sub) $sub = "<span class='subtext'>$sub</span>";
    		if($dimension === true) $dimension = "height='200' width='300'"; //basically just for better page speed ranking :P
    		if($logo = avia_get_option('logo'))
    			 $logo = apply_filters('avf_logo', $logo);
    			 if(is_numeric($logo)){ $logo = wp_get_attachment_image_src($logo, 'full'); $logo = $logo[0]; }
    			 $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' />";
    			 $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";
    			$logo = get_bloginfo('name');
    			if($use_image) $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$use_image}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$logo}'/>";
    			$logo = "<$headline_type class='logo bg-logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";
    		$logo = apply_filters('avf_logo_final_output', $logo, $use_image, $headline_type, $sub, $alt, $link);
    		return $logo;

    Best regards,

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