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  • #272732

    I’m almost ready to go live with my site but have a couple of formatting issues that I need help resolving.
    1. There is a thin white line above all of the sliders except the homepage slider. How do I remove?
    2. There is a thin grey line above the footer. How do I remove this line?
    3. On the iPhone I added 2 text blocks (see images) and some text over a color section and for some reason these don’t center correctly on the iPhone. I can’t seem to get it to format correctly. Am I missing something?
    4. I am using the full-width easy slider at the top of most of my pages and when I pull it up on the iPhone it starts out bigger and then “squishes” down how do I get the height to be larger on the iPhone only?

    Thanks in advance!


    I was able to fix #3 but still need help with the other items. Thanks!



    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .avia-fullwidth-slider { border: none !important; }


    #socket { border: none !important; }

    4- Fullwidth Easy Slider adjusts the height depending on screenwidth, so i am afraid, there is no easy way of doing that

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You are welcome!
    4- Please see Kriesi’s respond here to similar question – .
    You can request such feature or vote if already requested here –



    Ok thanks again for the help! You can mark this thread as resolved.

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