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  • #318365

    Two questions about my (static) front page html:
    Question 1. Adding alt tag to fullscreen slider image on front page
    On my front page, I am using an image inside the fullscreen slider and would like to have the alt tag included. My image has an alt tag applied in the media library.
    The code that is generated is:

    <div id='fullscreen_slider_0' class='avia-fullscreen-slider main_color  avia-builder-el-0  el_before_av_textblock  avia-builder-el-first  container_wrap sidebar_right'   ><a href='#next-section' title='' class='scroll-down-link'aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello'></a><div  data-size='no scaling'  data-lightbox_size='large'  data-animation='slide'  data-ids='3733'  data-video_counter='0'  data-autoplay='false'  data-bg_slider='true'  data-slide_height='100'  data-handle='av_fullscreen'  data-interval='5'  data-class=' '  data-css_id='fullscreen_slider_0'  data-scroll_down='aviaTBscroll_down'  data-custom_markup=''  data-stretch=''  class='avia-slideshow avia-slideshow-1 av-slider-scroll-down-active avia-slideshow-no scaling av_fullscreen   avia-slide-slider '  itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" ><ul class='avia-slideshow-inner' ><li style='background-position:center center;' data-img-url='' class=' av-single-slide slide-1 ' ><div data-rel='slideshow-1' class='avia-slide-wrap'  ><div class = "caption_fullwidth caption_bottom caption_bottom_framed caption_framed"><div class = "container caption_container"><div class = "slideshow_caption"><div class = "slideshow_inner_caption"><div class = "slideshow_align_caption"><h2 class='avia-caption-title'  itemprop="name" >CAPTION TEXT</h2><div class='avia-caption-content'  itemprop="description" ><p>MORE TEXT<br />

    Lots of code, but no alt tag. Can I add it somehow?

    Question 2. Using this theme, I see that I have no h1 on my front page.
    I use a logo for my company name, the caption inside of the slider is an h2 and the remaining content on the front is h2 or smaller. Is there a consensus about the need for an h1 tag on the front page? I have a title which includes my business name and tagline, and my logo image has an alt tag with my business name. Is there a need to create an h1 on the front page? If so, how?

    Thanks for all the help you have been providing as I learn this new theme.



    1. The fullscreen slider uses an image as a background image, there is no way to set an alt tag to that, i’d recommend checking LayerSlider instead where you have full control of the elements shown in the slider.

    2. I’m not a SEO expert but i’d suggest putting some relevant lead text as the h1 of the frontpage, you can do that using a Special Heading element (Content Elements) for that.


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