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  • #781428

    I’m trying to create a small image gallery that looks like the one in the demo: http://i.imgur.com/8WgPCGJ.png
    However, when I set it up the same way, I get images with padding and grey borders: http://i.imgur.com/80PfYkq.png

    How do I make my gallery look like the one in the demo (screen shot above)?


    Hey danldurall,

    Can you post a link to the pages on the screenshot? so we can easily check what demo you are referring and take a closer look on the page you mentioned.

    Best regards,


    See links below.



    Sorry for the late response. Try to do the following steps:

    1. Put a text block
    2. Click Add Media button
    3. Click Create Gallery and select the Images you want to include in the gallery
    4. Set Column (default is 3, you can set it to 5 or higher)
    5. Click Insert Gallery button

    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,

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