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  • #551212


    I have tried to find the settings area where I am able to change an input box’s border color as well as the font and font color of the input box.

    I have included a screenshot to show an example of what I am talking about:

    If you could please advise where I am able to make these changes that would be much appreciated.



    Hey eviang!

    Add this to your custom CSS.

    input[type="text"] { border-color: red !important; color: blue !important; }

    Best regards,


    Thanks Elliott. I did actually manage to find the border and font color setting in General Settings but not the ability to change the actual font, which looks like it’s defaulted to Arial. Is it possible to change this?




    I believe you can change that in General Styling > Fonts, the fields inherit the default body font, if you want to use a different one use this code:

    #top input[type='text'], #top input[type='email'], #top select, #top textarea{
    font-family: "Arial"; 

    Best regards,

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