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  • #291625

    Hi to everyone,
    Don’t know why, but I’ve encountered this error a week ago with google structured data:
    “Error: If this markup is about a person, at least 2 of the following fields are needed: organization, location, or role. See the people help page for more information.”
    “Error: The information will not appear as a rich snippet in search results, because the marked-up content does not appear to be the main focus of the page.”
    Maybe you can help me with this.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi Martin!

    Try using this plugin:



    Hi Josue
    Thanks for your help, but I’ve never needed that… Google used to be fine with the structured data in my blog…It seems something goes wrong, and I would like to fix the problem, instead of installing new plugins. Can you help me with this?

    Thanks again for your excelent support!



    Have you tried disabling all third-party plugins to see if it gets fixed?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    We’ll fix this with the next update. If you need a quick fix replace:

    $author         = apply_filters('avf_author_name', get_the_author_meta('display_name', $entry->post_author), $entry->post_author);
    $author         = "<span class='av-magazine-author meta-color vcard author'>".__('by','avia_framework')." <span class='fn'>$author</span></span>";


    $author_link    = get_author_posts_url($entry->post_author);
    $author_name    = apply_filters('avf_author_name', get_the_author_meta('display_name', $entry->post_author), $entry->post_author);
    $author         = '<a href='.$author_link.' title="'.__('by','avia_framework').' '.$author_name.'" rel="author">'.$author_name.'</a>';
    $author_output  =  '<span class="av-magazine-author minor-meta">'.__('by','avia_framework')." ";
    $author_output .= '<span class="av-magazine-author-link" '.avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'author_name','echo'=>false)).'>';
    $author_output .= $author;
    $author_output .= '</span>';
    $author_output .= '</span>';
    $author = $author_output;

    in wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\magazine.php



    Dude, I think this solved the problem!
    Even though the error disappeared, my google+ profile picture doesn’t show anymore next to search result using web master tools. Maybe you can check this on future updates…

    Thanks again for your help.




    The markup is still there. If the google+ picture doesn’t appear something else is wrong (google+ authorship isn’t verified, etc.) but it’s not connected to this issue. Maybe try to set a a seo plugin like Yoast which supports google+ meta data too.




    Nevermind – I think Kriesi forgot thr hentry class – that’s why google+ doesn’t find the authorship data. I’ll ask him to correct this with the next update.

    Best regards,


    Hi, since the last theme updates (3.4.1/3.4.2/3.4.3) the number of microformats errors exploded on my websites using Enfold :
    Missing field: author
    Missing field: entry-title
    Missing field: updated

    No change in the content during this period.



    Hi @freepixelweb
    Open a new ticket, as your post has nothing to do with the thread topic.

    However, try to deactivate all plugins to check if things get better for you and let us know about your results in your new ticket. Provide us with a link where we can clearly see the issue.


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