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  • #382122

    this didn’t work: see #379260; the ticket was closed too soon and I couldn’t re engage using that one.

    thank you


    Hey gharding!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    We need to see the actual website. Please post the link here. A screenshot will help.



    Ok, I’ve done a test: here you go:

    Is that enough?


    sorry, I thought I had a good custom background per post plugin, but I guess not. Can you recommend one, or tell me how I can have a different page per page?

    thank you


    But this will be hard to visualize if you haven’t for example a boxed layout and a background defined.


    I thought I sent this, but don’t see it above

    I did everything you asked here;




    I’m sorry but the page is blank. Can you please provide a screenshot of what you’re trying to do with this page? If you want to a apply a custom background on a page, use the Color Section element. We’ll then figure out the semi transparent container background.



    thanks. the last php we tried knocked out the whole site. I was copying and pasting and might have not got it all. I know how to fix it, but the client won’t respond with his ftp and/or hosting account information for me to get in there. I can’t fix it until then.



    Alright. Let us know once the site is fixed. Try the Color Section element to apply a custom background on a specific page.



    I no longer need this, but thank you

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