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  • #696088

    Hello, I hope you can help me troubleshoot a weird issues I am having. I just moved my site from the development area to our Live area. All is well. Except one thing. I used 3 fontello icons on the homepage in icon boxes. But now they are just small squares. I checked and the fontello zip did transfer and I re-selected it from the media library. No change. I looked in the icon box setting and the fontello icons are showing there too. And I selected the same icon again to see if it would reset it. No change.

    Any ideas?


    Hey Dandelion222,

    Please follow the steps provided in this link to resolve the icon issue

    Best regards,


    I tried editing the .htaccess file. That had no effect. Then I tried deleting the zip for fontello in the imports section. And re-uploading it from my computer. Still no effect. I looked on another browser in case it was a caching thing, but it was rectangles there too.



    It’s a bit strange one of the icons show fine and not the rest 3.

    When you download your custom icon from fontelly please give it a custom name and download it.

    Let us know if this works. If you still have any issue Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,


    The first icon is from your default set. I’m only using the custom set for the last 3. And the weird thing is, they show just fine in the admin area. I see them in the page builder and when I click to edit the icon box, my custom set shows at the bottom of the choices and the right icon is selected.

    I’ll try downloading my custom set completely new with a new name as you suggest and will let you know.


    Well, that was weird. I did give my set a custom name at Fontello and downloaded the file fresh. It didn’t use my name, but the zip had a different name than the original zip, so I went with it. I deleted the old zip in Import/Export options then uploaded the new set. The little boxes went away and I had to reselect the icons in the icons boxes. So I did.

    And the squares came back. ! I was surprised, I thought this would work.

    I’ll add login information to my private content.


    Please do not deactivate plugins at this time. This was working fine in the development area – I’ll include a link. We have e-commerce on some pages and I really don’t want to have to go through all that set up again if I can avoid it yet.



    your icons seem to work fine now:

    So are you happy now or do you still need help with this?

    Best regards,


    I am happy now. Thanks for your help!



    Great, glad you got it working :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.


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