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  • #839162

    Hi there. I want to insert the following code into my website’s sending button:

    <a onclick=”goog_report_conversion (‘;)”
    href=””>Jetzt herunterladen!

    Here is the code from the website’s form:

    <h2 class='av-special-heading-tag'  itemprop="headline"  >Test<span
    class='special_amp'>&</span> Test</h2>
    [av_contact email=' (Email address hidden if logged out) ' title='' button='Send' on_send='' sent='Thank you.' link='manually,http://' subject='' autorespond='' captcha='' form_align='' color='av-custom-form-color av-light-form']
    [av_contact_field label='Name' type='text' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' check='is_empty' width=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='E-Mail' type='text' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' check='is_email' width=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Nachricht' type='textarea' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' check='is_empty' width=''][/av_contact_field]

    I really don’t know how to insert the Google code because there is no regular tag. I really appreciate any help.



    Hey magic.dave,

    Please check at the documentation here

    it will help you with your process.

    Best regards,

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