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  • #783663


    I am having some strange mobile spacing issues when using layer slider. I have removed my additional css, cleared cache and re-tested. On mobile, there is a large amount of space appearing below the slider. Any ideas.

    Thank you.


    Hey szimmerdesign76,

    Sorry for the late reply. Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.5) to see if that helps please? Also make sure to clear the cache from your caching plugin after updating.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, just saw this. For some reason I did not get an email notification? Anyway, I am still having the issue, even after updating. It does it with the sample slider as well. Any ideas?


    As mentioned I updated Enfold as well as Layerslider. I also tried removing all custom css – same issue. On mobile vertical, all content below the slider is being pushed down.



    Thanks for the feedback, the login details are not working anymore though. Could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,


    Sure. Attached.



    I checked on mobile, but can’t see any issues you’ve mentioned:

    Could you fix it? if not please provide us screenshot highlighting the problem.

    Best regards,


    Safari and Firefox iOS –

    You will see the large gap appearing under the Layer Slider.



    Thanks for the screenshots and login details. First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.7) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    All up to date. Same issue. I have narrowed it down to an issue with the Advanced Layer Slider media element on mobile. Seems to work fine when placing using the shortcode method, only its not full width.



    I checked on Firefox and Safari mobile as well, but it always looks exactly as shown on my previous screenshot. So it seems to me like a simple browser cache issue on your end. Please make sure you have cleared your browser cache, hard refreshed a few times and have checked on a different device as well to double check.

    Best regards,

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