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  • #199522

    Hello, I’m on my websites using Typekit fonts.

    With this instruction get eliminate the problem of FOUT (Flash of unstyled Text).

    .wf-loading XXXX {visibility: hidden;}
    .wf-active XXXX {visibility: visible;}

    But does that texts that are slow to load more pictures.

    I would like to use some lazy load plugin or some technique to load the page more enjoyable.

    I would like that the page will not display until they are loaded all items.

    Any recommendations that work well in enfold?

    Thank you very much!



    Hi xpoveda!

    We have no recommendations for that at the moment. You can try searching the plugin repository or asking on somewhere like Stack Overflow or even the regular WordPress support forums if you’d like to look for a bit more guidance.


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