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  • #243664

    The dev site, just updated to 2.6.2 http://bspo.lissais.me/
    The future production site, version 2.6 http://broadstonepostoak.com/b5p05t0Ack/

    The normal menu works fine in desktop browsers, and I have it scaling fine (as far as I can tell) in the tablets in landscape mode. (The production site menu looks like what it is supposed to in landscape. When I updated the dev site to the latest version of the theme, it broke the main menu, which now doesn’t even list horizontally, letting me know I can not upgrade the theme on the production site.)

    When I flip the tablet to portrait, the menu disappears. (I’ve been testing on an iPad, I think a version 2.)

    I tried using the technique mentioned here on the support forums where I edit the switchWidth in avia.js (in the child theme, I set it to 1000 at first and then to 1023) and add some code to the functions.php (in the child theme) but that didn’t help. I even tried using a media query to force the select#mobileMenu_avia-menu.mobileMenu to display block, but that didn’t help either.

    I really need for the mobile menu to show up in portrait orientation, please help!


    Hi Lissasan!

    Please try to deactivate all third party plugins – maybe a plugin causes a conflict. If this doesn’t help try to re-install the theme with ftp: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750


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