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  • #26881


    I am using Yoast with Enfold and although I have the title tag to show:

    <title>[My Post Title] – [My Site Name]<title>

    I get:

    <title>[My Site Name] | [My Post Title] – [My Site Name]<title>

    I looked in the theme header and found:

    <title><?php if(function_exists(‘avia_set_title_tag’)) { echo avia_set_title_tag(); } ?></title>

    Is the avia_set_title_tag() function adding the unwanted text?

    Kind Regards


    I think I’ve found the issue:

    function avia_set_title_tag()


    $title = get_bloginfo(‘name’).’ | ‘;

    $title .= (is_front_page()) ? get_bloginfo(‘description’) : wp_title(”, false);

    $title = apply_filters(‘avf_title_tag’, $title, wp_title(”, false));

    return $title;


    Your theme is fantastic!!!

    However, from an SEO point of view it’s generally considered best practice to go for 100% keyword prominence in the title tag.


    Plumber London | Plumbers.Com

    is better than

    Plumbers.Com | Plumber London

    because each page will start with a unique phrase and if designed right would have 100% keyword prominence.

    What is the best way to fix this?

    Do I need to create a child theme?

    Kind Regards,


    PS: If it were me I would upgrade the theme and then add as a selling point that…

    Our title tags are designed for 100% keyword prominence.


    I tried the child theme and unfortunately I lose all of the backend controls.



    See https://kriesi.at/support/topic/seo-site-title – you can use a filter function to change the title content.




    Many thanks Peter.

    Kind Regards,


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