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  • #707778

    I found an old thread that posted the same question i had, how to make the mobile menu open top to bottom instead of diagonal:

    The solution provided at the bottom doesnt work though, can you guys advise what it should be for the current version of enfold?


    Hey kilimats,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    -webkit-transform: 	scale(1)!important;
    -moz-transform: 	scale(1)!important;
    -ms-transform: 		scale(1)!important;
    transform: 			scale(1)!important;
    -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%!important;
    -moz-transform-origin: 0% 0%!important;
    -ms-transform-origin: 0% 0%!important;
    transform-origin: 0% 0%!important;
    .csstransforms3d #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	scale3d(1)!important;
    -moz-transform: 	scale3d(1)!important;
    transform: 			scale3d(1)!important;
    .show_mobile_menu #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	translate(0, 100%)!important;
    -moz-transform: 	translate(0, 100%)!important;
    -ms-transform: 		translate(0, 100%)!important;
    transform: 			translate(0, 100%)!important;
    .csstransforms3d .show_mobile_menu #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	translate3d(0, 100%, 0)!important;
    -moz-transform: 	translate3d(0, 100%, 0)!important;
    transform: 			translate3d(0, 100%, 0)!important;
    .container #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
         right: 20px!important;
        top: 58px!important;
        z-index: 999999!important;

    If this does not work for you please share a precise link where we can see the menu on your site.

    Best regards,


    awesome that did the trick! planning to add that as an option? the diagonal animation looks weird imo


    weird, after applying this code, the footer heading color changed to grey instead of green, and the first footer box isnt centered anymore, can you take a look why this would happen?



    are you talking about “MONTH, GAINS and 2016”? if yes use this code inside Quick CSS field to change it’s color:

    th.htCenter.bold.htCenter.htCenter.sorting_disabled {
    color: green;
    .calendar-archives.twentyfourteen .calendar-navigation>.menu-container>a.title {
    color: green;

    Adjust the color as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,
    Having tested the code you posted about the enfold mobile menu theme here:

    This works fine scrolling the menu up and down but if i change the orientation on the iphone whilst the menu is open I get strange results and the same occurs if you adjust the desktop browsers height by resizing your browser. This appears to move the open menu up or down depending on how you resize your browser. Do you know anything which could fix this issue please?


    Please open your very own ticket in our forum.


    Let us know if you still need help with this or not.

    Best regards,

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