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  • #855659

    Hi there:

    I just noticed an issue with the mobile menu feature. On Android & iPhone, after I click on the Hamburger Menu, all menu items would display, but the Submenu items on the dropdown does not drop down to display itself when clicked on.

    See screenshot:
    I had selected the option “Display submenu items on click”, See screenshot:

    In the meantime as I wait for you to fix this issue, I selected the “Always display submenu items” option so my customers can click to navigate on their mobile phone for now.

    I’ve included my WP Admin Login info, etc. in the Private Content Box. Thank you in advance!


    Hey Khoa,

    The problem you reported is a bug, that should be fixed with the next update.

    Meanwhile you have to update file enfold\js\avia.js. Please replace the complete content of this file with the RAW paste content of

    This link is valid for one week. Make sure to make a copy of the original file to have a fallback and that you are using Enfold 4.1.2.
    Do not forget to clear browser and server cache after the update.

    If you have problem we can do the update for you, please give us FTP access to your server.

    Best regards,


    Yup, all good now, Thank you for the prompt response. Excellent Customer Support!

    I assume on the next theme update, it will include the same updated avia.js file as the RAW file you sent me to use right?

    Thanks again.



    Hi Khoa,

    Yes, it should be roughly the same code included in the next update, so you shouldn’t have do anything except to update the theme. Sorry for the problems, they should hopefully all be resolved in the next version of the theme.

    Best regards,

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