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  • #217684

    I am having issues with IE 8. I am currently running WP 3.8.1 and Enfold version 2.5. The URL of the site is

    I am missing many images throughout the site, as well as background colors where there should be background colors.

    Since I am using the latest of both WP and Enfold, why would this be happening? Is there any fix I can do to help this? There are customers using IE8 that cannot use the site as it’s intended due to this issue.

    Thank you


    Hi bryanpeck!

    Please add this on custom.css or Quick CSS to fix the background color issue:

    .alternate_color, .alternate_color .site-background, .alternate_color .first-quote, .alternate_color .related_image_wrap, .alternate_color .gravatar img .alternate_color .hr_content, .alternate_color .news-thumb, .alternate_color .post-format-icon, .alternate_color .ajax_controlls a, .alternate_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .alternate_color .big-preview, .alternate_color .toggler, .alternate_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .alternate_color #js_sort_items, .alternate_color.inner-entry, .alternate_color .grid-entry-title, .alternate_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .alternate_color .avia-arrow, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery img, .alternate_color .grid-content {
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    background: #f8f8f8;
    color: #4d4d4d;
    .main_color, .main_color .site-background, .main_color .first-quote, .main_color .related_image_wrap, .main_color .gravatar img .main_color .hr_content, .main_color .news-thumb, .main_color .post-format-icon, .main_color .ajax_controlls a, .main_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .main_color .big-preview, .main_color .toggler, .main_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .main_color #js_sort_items, .main_color.inner-entry, .main_color .grid-entry-title, .main_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .main_color .avia-arrow, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery img, .main_color .grid-content {
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    background: #f8f8f8;
    color: #4d4d4d;


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