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  • #265757


    I’ve found out that there’s new “flagship” of Slider out there – Master Slider and I like its possibilities for showing sliders within a display/laptop/tablet etc. and its vertical thumbs and tabs etc. It has the layering option, too.

    Before buying it, I would like to know, if I can “turn off” the LayerSlider scripts within ENFOLD for performance reasons and that I don’t get any conflicts or is this not necessary when using another “huge” slider plugin?



    Another idea would be to skip Layerslider all together and replace it with Master Slider. Maybe we should make a feature request? :-)

    I for one have a really hard time making anything in Layerslider and when it finally comes together, it looks like a huge asteroid threw up all over. ;-)

    It’s a powerful tool, Layerslider, but it’s just way too complicated to “Master Slider” ;-)

    Just my 2 cents.
    Haven’t got the time to make such a request but if you’re game, I’ll cladly give it some votes :-)


    Master Slider comes not only with more and more modern features (layering option, too), and when you look at their demo account, creating sliders with this “timeline” is much easier.

    I never had success with this Layerslider – much too complicated.
    No, I’m not sponsored by Master Slider ;-) I just love it.

    I’ve already made a feature request:
    https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/ -> “Master Slider



    There was already a feature request but I closed it yesterday. Kriesi doesn’t want to include the shortcode file officially yet because the slider is not popular enough. We’ll wait until the slider hits the 1000 sales threshold. Nevertheless I already created a shortcode file for the Master Slider – you can download the file and i.e. place it into your child theme folder: https://gist.github.com/InoPlugs/b2dec6233f30bd3104f7

    Best regards,


    Nice :-)


    gorgeous, thank you, Dude!!

    I know, thats beyond your support, but could you please just give me a hint, in which folderd/file I need to place this file of you?
    Thanks, appreciate.



    I recommend to create a new folder call “shortcodes” in your child theme folder. Then paste the code from here: https://gist.github.com/InoPlugs/b2dec6233f30bd3104f7 in a php file and save the file as slideshow_masterslider.php. Upload this file into the shortcodes folder. At lease open up the child theme functions.php file and insert this code at the very bottom of the file:

    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths)
    	$template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
        	array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
    	return $paths;

    Afterwards save the file and go to the template builder to use the element. It’s in the last tab.



    wow, thank you, Dude, appreciate your help! I just purchased the Master Slider and will definitely try your codes!

    Thank you!



    Another idea would be to skip Layerslider all together and replace it with Master Slider. Maybe we should make a feature request? :-)

    We won’t replace Layerslider with Master Slider because this would be unfair towards existing customers who already use Layerslider. We also don’t want to bundle several sliders with Enfold (like other theme developers do) because of performance reasons. Our approach/solution is that we work together with the slider plugin authors to create shortcode files for their sliders. We added some code for the Revolution Slider (which is already included with the Enfold theme framework) and Master Slider will be included when it gets more popular. The Master Slider plugin author also gave me access to the support forum and if someone encounters a theme incompatibility issue I’ll look into it.



    that sounds really great! I’m happy about it! Thanks. My first tests with an (offline) site with ENFOLD and Master Slider are working great until now.



    Great. I’ll close this thread now.


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