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  • #696934

    All posted solutions were somewhat incomplete. It is easy to style the Blog Page and most probably use the Avia Builder. No luck with all the other pages though. Below find the code that styles these pages – but not the blog itself – automatically to Single Big Blog style. Add this to your child theme functions.php

    // Fix Category / Tag / Author / Archive Layout to adopt Single Big blog style - START
    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_archive_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    	if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'single-big';
    	return $layout;
    add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'avia_category_content_filter', 15, 1);
    function avia_category_content_filter($current_post)
    	if(((is_archive()) || (is_author()) || (is_category()) || (is_tag())))
    		$current_post['content'] =  get_the_excerpt();
    		$current_post['content'] .= '<div class="read-more-link"><a href="'.get_permalink().'" class="more-link">'.__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow">  &rarr;</span></a></div>';
    	return $current_post;
    // Fix Category / Tag / Author / Archive Layout to adopt Single Big blog style - END

    Hey aerobis,

    thank you for sharing the tip we really appreciate it.

    Best regards,


    Hey aerobis,

    thank you for your solution. I’ve been looking for that But can these pages also be displayed in Masonry style?
    In the solution of this thread

    the blog page is also changed and all Masonry elements on other pages are no longer displayed.

    Thank you in advance for a reply


    Hey Margit,

    not without more intense modifications. We use the masonry styles only on the actual blog. I just wanted to the other pages to look “decent”.
    The code posted in your linked thread doesn´t work … at least not for us.

    Good luck ;-)


    Hallo @aerobis,

    now I found my solution in the Theme Documentation :

    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_category_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_category_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'blog-grid';
    return $layout;

    Available layout are single-small, single-big, blog-grid and multi-big.

    Well, the blog page remains custom.



    Please refer to @margitw’s post above

    Thanks :)



    @margitw – well yes that is of course possible. I thought you were talking about the masonry style in the archive pages. The grid is somewhat similar but lacks the styling and the ajax loading button of masonry. Glad you are happy with it though ;)



    Thanks for the feedback @aerobis

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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