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  • #474016


    I updated our theme via FTP to the latest version. We are now having conflicts with two plugins we have been using for no problem for over a year and a half. In addition the theme has slowed our site down to the point that the load stalls and it takes 2-3 mins for each page load. I contacted my host and had them check our servers and trouble shoot our site. Everything on their end is good. I changed the template and the site loaded in two seconds. I haven’t been able to get anything done for the site either, since it takes so long to load/update/refresh pages. We have google fiber and SSD hosting so I’m usually working pretty fast. The only thing we ere able to find was that there might be something wrong with the last update to the template. Can someone check our FTP/the template files to see if there’s anything corrupt?

    I have noticed that the layout builder is conflicting with our sendpress plugin and immediatly after our update all pages that had a gravityform wrapped our sidebars to the foot of the page. And of course the extremely slow page load time for the site as well as getting into the back end of the wp site.


    Is there anyone who can help me with this issue? I have updated to 3.2.3, I have contacted our hosting provider and they can’t fix anything. I can’t work on anything because our site is so slow. When I changed themes everything was super fast but the minute I changed it back to enfold it got slow again.



    Please do not double post,


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