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  • #413964

    I just upgraded to the new Enfold version and it messed up my entire full width website layout. I have not changed may settings, so don’t understand where and why this is happening. I’m just ready to launched in two or three days, so I would appreciated a prompt solution to fix this.

    Website is at (it’s a one page portfolio-type website)



    An update: I made changes to the Enfold Child sidebar settings turning all of these off. Now the sidebar areas are gone. However I still don’t get my full screen slider to display entirely and with the transparency I have set.


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    Thank you for using Enfold.

    From what version of the theme did you update before 3.1? Try to toggle the position of the elements inside the page then update it. Revert it back afterwards.


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    I created a test page ( and removed the icon list section. It contains a lot of html tags and shortcodes. The slider becomes full width again. Please be careful with html tags. Make sure that they are closed properly.


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    The main menu links still points to the home page with the “Icon List” element. I set the “Test” page as home:



    Hi Ismael,

    I used your test page and made it my home page (with the missing services). I created a copy of the new home page and tried adding my services using the icon list with just plain text (so no blockquotes) and no short hr ruler the issue comes back. I then tried starting again clean using the tab element still eliminating using styling elements but the issue come back. I started again and used the demo icon list sample than comes with the theme, and the issue happens again. I don’t understand why I can’t add any of those elements and have this work? I’m not sure what to use to display my text with some form of styling.

    I’m sorry to be so persistent, but I need to understand what happens that makes the page break (I’m not entering the HTML codes manuallly, just selecting for what is available to me.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Hi Ismael,
    I decided to create an icon list and a text block that contains my preferred styling options. It not as nice as the icon list element, that has the dotted white lines and evenly spaced, but after I manually created customized white space/hr elements between each icon list, it looks acceptable.

    But I still want to know why I can’t combined all of these styles.




    I’m really not sure why it breaks with the icon list but I created a test page again with the icon list element and it’s not breaking, not yet at least. The issue seems to be intermittent. Let us know if the issue comes back again:

    Best regards,

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