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  • #752383

    Hi My host company has found some virus code in 3 Enfold files. They found the same files to be infected on 3 other websites usin the same theme. I have tried reinstalling WordPress and uploading a fressh new copy of Enfold but the problem still exists. Please confirm that this is not a virus or if so. The report from my host company is below

    Dear Rashaad Sallie
    Thank you for your reply and confirming the steps taken to attend to the matter.

    The following content is suspicious:

    Code: ‘if(isset.*eval’

    Code: ‘1’=>’.’

    Please investigate and remove any malicious files found.

    It is important to note: The anti-virus software on our hosting environment is specifically designed for the purpose of maintaining server health and security and where we obtain helpful information, we do like to pass it on to the client. Because of the diversity of website infrastructure and code, anti-virus software is not an effective method of finding all infected files added or altered by hackers. Ensuring that the website content is free of back doors remains the sole responsibility of the Web Developer.

    As always, should you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.


    FWIW, 4.0.1 scans perfectly on Wordfence for me.



    What version of Enfold are you using? as far as I know the content of the Enfold theme is clean and does not contain any virus or malicious files.

    Best regards,



    Im using the latest version – I always update to the latest. I have spoken to my host provider and we have agreed that the code is NOT malicious php code although their software reports that.



    I just checked and none of the files contains any malicious code. This is probably a false positive were a file is flagged due to the nature of functions inside the file. Some of these functions are often use by malicious scripts but thats not the case here

    Best regards,


    Hi. Yes we have come to the conclusion that it is a FALSE POSITIVE



    Thanks for confirming and thanks for using Enfold. Have a nice day :)


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