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  • #670005

    Hi! in my catalog shop page i want the products to be the size of a 5 column row, but just 4. I tried everything, regenerating thumbnails, css, everything, but i cant avoid getting a bigger image when in 4 column…

    any idea?



    Hi jjsabatino!

    Can you please let us know what CSS you have tried, so we can give it a look?
    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    ul.products li.product {
    clear: none;
    width: 20% !important;
    padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;}

    with this i get the size i want but cant center it, the catalog it´s always on the left


    Any idea?




    I’m not sure I understand if you want 4 or 5 images in a row? If you have a screenshot highlighting your intentions it might help us understand better.

    Best regards,


    I want 4 images but each image at the size they are when the row is of 5, everytime i select 4 images in a row they go way too big.

    With the css i gave you i can control the size, but the row always stays on the left of the screen, i cant seem to center it or give more space in between columns (which would be great).

    Here´s 2 screenshots. The number 1 is the size i get when 4 column selected, the number 2 is the size i want (but as you can see, it´s not centered).



    Add this css code to align the product container in the middle:

    #top .products {
        margin: 0 auto !important;

    Best regards,

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